Nature Ganganbaigal (TENGGER CAVALRY) est mort

Nature Ganganbaigal (TENGGER CAVALRY) est mort

Le décès du frontman de TENGGER CAVALRY, Nature Ganganbaigal, vient d’être confirmé. Les raisons de son décès non pas été rendu public.

Le groupe a publié un communiqué que voici:

“It is with deep sadness and shock that we must share the news that Nature has passed away. Nature’s greatest goal in life was the unite people of all backgrounds through community and through music.

He was also an advocate for mental health, and encouraged everyone from friends to total strangers to persist through their struggles.

Though we have lost a dear friend and a great artists, we know that his music will live on and continue to help us find our common ground and find our strength despite adversity.

Please respect the privacy of Nature’s family during his painful time. May the Eternal Blue Sky find him at peace.”


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