DECAPITATED accusé de Viol

DECAPITATED accusé de Viol

DECAPITATED qui est toujours retenu aux US, est désormais officiellement accusé de Viol. En effet, le chanteur Rafal “Rasta” Piotrowski, le guitariste Waclaw “Vlogg” Kieltyka sont accusés de viol au second degré et le batteur Mikola Llysejko, le bassiste Hubert Wiecek sont accusés de viol au troisième degré. (ndr: Attention, le viol en France et aux USA n’est pas du tout défini de la même façon. Se référer à la législation américaine pour en savoir plus).

L’affaire remonte au 31 Août dernier suite à un concert à Spokane aux USA. Au départ, le groupe avait été accusé de Kidnapping au premier degré. Le groupe a nié les faits et a une nouvelle fois publié un communiqué que voici:

“An update – following extradition from California to Washington, the band has now been charged. We’d like to emphasise; the Spokane Police Department has pressed charges as procedural formality, without doing so, they would be forced to release band – this is not a conviction or any indication of guilt or innocence.

Once again, we ask that everyone wait for each party’s case to be presented and await the court’s decision. With that said, whilst cases are being prepared on both sides, some facts are indisputable at this point – that the original officer who took the complaint from the accuser stated, “I do not have probable cause that a rape occurred”, and it’s taken a full 30 days to file charges, which is right up against the point at which the defendants would legally have had to be released.

The band firmly refutes the allegations and are confident that once the facts and evidence have been seen and heard, they will be released and able to return home.

Individuals who were present on the night in question with information about the case are asked to reach out to the defense lawyer, Steve Graham of Spokane, Washington.”


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