HELLFEST : URFAUST annule son concert

HELLFEST : URFAUST annule son concert

L’organisation du HELLFEST vient d’annoncer que le groupe URFAUST prévu pour jouer Dimanche 22 Juin à 16h00 sur la scène Temple, vient d’annuler sa venue. Le communiqué est à lire ci-dessous. Il sera remplacé par HERETIC, même scène, même heure.

Urfaust is very sad to say that we have to cancel our Intoxication Rite at Hellfest 2014.
Last night, one of IX’s children was rushed to the hospital and is still there. We are not sure what the outcome will be, but people have to understand that IX has full focus on his family and his daughters health has all priority!
Hereby we want to say again we are really sorry and want to thank HELLFEST for the honor of having us and we want to apologies to all the Clochards that wanted to participate in this seance madness and possession!
We hope to return to France next year and celebrate Hell in all it’s glory!
C’est la vie!
Our demon brothers of HERETIC (with VRDRBR on Blitzing bass guitar) will replace URFAUST, so: HAIL THE BEAST!!!!


Rédacteur en chef et administrateur de TRexSound.com.

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